Harmful things you do to your hair.

It is easy to get into a routine with your hair. You wash it,brush or comb it,you dry it and you style it. Atimes you throw it into a ponytail or whip up a braid. The problem is that this little habits deprive us from having lush,healthy and shiny hair. There are things you need to stop doing if you want prettier strands. Find out what you are guilty of and the effective tweaks to remedy your routine. Pulling on split ends. You would not believe how many women I have seen pulling on their split ends.you may get rid of it,but you are actually shredding the hair and creating a more uneven split end that is hard to fix. Instead snip it off with a sharp scissors. Then make an appointment to get a haircut. Styling wet hair with heat. Women use heated styling tools when their hair is still wet. This literally fries the hair. In order to use the heat without damage the hair has to be completely dry. If you finish blow- drying and the hair feels cold,that is a sign that t...