Harmful things you do to your hair.

It is easy to get into a routine with your hair. You wash it,brush or comb it,you dry it and you style it.

Atimes you throw it into a ponytail or whip up a braid. The problem is that this little habits deprive us from having lush,healthy and shiny hair.

There are things you need to stop doing if you want prettier strands. Find out what you are guilty of and the effective tweaks to remedy your routine.

Pulling on split ends.

You would not believe how many women I have seen pulling  on their split ends.you may get rid of it,but you are actually shredding the hair and creating a more uneven split end that is hard to fix. Instead snip it off with a sharp scissors. Then make an appointment to get a haircut.

Styling wet hair with heat.

Women use heated styling tools when their hair is still wet. This literally fries the hair. In order to use the heat without damage the hair has to be completely dry. If you finish blow- drying and the hair feels cold,that is a sign that there is still moisture in it. So keep blow-drying.

Brushing wet hair.

It is not a good idea to brush or comb wet hair. A wide-tooth comb is a better comb to use. It doesn't pull or tug on the hair and can be used on any texture or length.

Sleeping in ponytail.

Sleeping in ponytail causes breakage right from the crown of the head or wherever the elastic is placed. If you like your hair off your face,sleep in a loose braid off to the side secured right at the end as loose as you can.


Retouching your hair

Retouching your hair is alright but doing it the right way is important. Constant retouching of your hair monthly does not give your hair time to grow and rest. These retouching soaps have chemicals in them. And over using them could be dangerous to the hair. I advice that two to three months interval should be allowed before your next retouch.

Spraying too close to your head.

I constantly see my friends and family members use products dry shampoo and hairspray that has mist-aerosol but with the can two inches from their head. And then I wonder why they are left with a big white patch is sleek spray spot.
Give the can a shake for better product distribution then extend your spraying arm out all the way and spray. Aerosol products work best when exposed to air before they reach the head.

Using regular elastics.

Rubber bands snag the hair when looped around too many times and tears it when you remove. Instead use hair bungee.

Brushing from roots to ends.

This is peculiar to almost every woman. Most of us start combing or brushing from the root. You can literally hear the hair breaking. Instead start at the end and remove the tangle there first. Then work your way up towards the root. That way you reduce broken ends.

Cutting your hair to make it grow.

I know so many people who believe that cutting their hair helps it grow. For every few inches you are trimming,you are actually adding months to your growing time. Instead try  fewer washing,less heated style and blow-dryingand more deep conditioning. Hair looks longer and fuller when it is healthier and stronger.

Towel drying your hair.

Towel drying your hair and messing it up in various direction only roughens up the delicate cuticles. When cuticles are closed,they reflect light and hair appears smooth and shinny. When they are open ,hair looks  dry,dull and coarse. When towel drying,wring your hair out,moving downwards from root to ends.

I am hoping with these we will stop the harmful routines we do to our hair and get on the routines to a healthy and shinny hair.


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