Zion Kids and MC-CARTOON celebrate with DEREVKO of NOLLYWOOD

The star rocking with the kids at Zion orphanage. Our actress was seen in Abuja extending a hand of fellowship to the less privileged amoung us. These are the kind of things we expect from our celebrities and stars. And this steps are worth emulating. As pictures on her Facebook pages shows her in the midst of kids of the orphanage. Also with her are some members of the industry and MC-CARTOON a comedian based in Abuja. DEREVKO with an actor and producer in Nollywood industry as they cut her cake. Hummmm *winks* could he be the one? DEREVKO and MC-CARTOON of Abuja as they take a pose with the birthday cake. Oh! It seems our diva is engaged as she is seen flauting an engagement ring. Is there going to be wedding bells soon? Thumbs up diva and keep doing what you are doing.