10 Reasons Your Jewelry Looks Cheap.

The only statement your statement necklace is making is "Look at me! I'm cheap!" It's a little childish and you're a grown-up. Charm bracelets, animal pendants, and butterfly anything rarely look expensive. It doesn't matter how much it costs— they're childish and no one thinks of children as having expensive jewelry. Stay away from cutesy shapes, especially in bright or pastel colors. That means no hearts and nothing that looks like a children's toy or fantasy creature. It's really just some random beads on a piece of string. Why spend good money on something that looks like you could have made it at home with some loose beads and a piece of string? Not to mention the fact that beaded necklaces are a very mature look, in general, and are really best avoided by twenty- and thirtysomethings. Really, you should stay away from beads altogether, but if you absolutely must have them, less is definitely more. Stick to pieces t...