11 Essential Beauty Products Every Black Girl Should Use

1. Sunscreen You know that saying, "Black don't crack?" Well, only part of that is true. Black skin has increased melanin production, which better protects against damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun and keeps us looking younger longer. "It's like winning the skincare lottery because you don't really have to worry about wrinkles as much," says Gervaise Gerstner, M.D., a cosmetic dermatologist in NYC. But black skin is not invincible and melanoma is still a serious danger. "It's very important that all races wear sunscreen daily," Dr. Gerstner says. Try the L'Orèal Paris Advanced Suncare Silky Sheer Face Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 50+ Sunscreen and the Clarins Sunscreen Care Oil Spray SPF 30 . Both deliver long-lasting sun protection but go on sheer so you can avoid the layer of white that sits on your skin. 2. Glycolic Acid You know those annoying dark spots on your (otherwise flawless) face that you hate? B...