The perfect valentine gift.

What really is the story behind valentine? Valentine is simply the name of the Rev Father that invented and coined valentines day. How exactly did this come to be? At a particular time in a particular place and country,men and women where living together and having kids, without being married to each other. This became a challenge for the man of God as there was no one to direct them on how to go about this. Father valentine called all of them together and they had a mass wedding. Every man to his woman with whom he had kids. This was seen as an act of love and it happened on February 14 hence the day was called valentines day. With this, February 14th was declared a day for celebration of love. The show of love from the Reverend gentleman to people around him is of importance. It may not necessarily be a man or a woman. It may be a child or our aged grand parents. Of utmost importance is the message being passed across. Is there anything like a perfect val...